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Irina Alexandrovna Gordeeva.jpeg

Irina Gordeeva


Irina Gordeeva (b. 1975) graduated the Institute for History and Archives of the Russian State University for the Humanities (Moscow, Russia). Now she is a lecturer in the Department of History in the St. Philaret’s Christian Orthodox Institute (Moscow, Russia). She is the author of a book “Zabytye Ludi: Istoriia rossiiskogo kommunitarnogo dvizheniai” (The Forgotten People: A history of the Russian communitarian movement) (Moscow: AIRO-XX, 2000, 2nd edition -2017), published following her PhD thesis.


Her research interests embrace the Tolstoyan movement, Russian communitarianism and utopianism, history of conscientious objection, alternative social movements, pacifism, antimilitarism and nonviolence in Russia. Her current project dedicates the history of pacifist movement in Russia from Tolstoyans of the beginning of the XX century to the independent peace activism of the late Soviet period (Group for Establishing Trust between East and West and Soviet hippies’ pacifist activity). She also traces the history of hippie movement, movement of Soviet disabled people and grassroots ecumenical movement as a part of the late Soviet independent peace movement.


From August 2020- fellow researcher, Leibniz Centre for Contemporary History (ZZF Potsdam, Germany), working on the theme “ Peace on Earth: Exploring the Soviet Independent Peace Movement and World of Transnational Solidarity of the late 1970s – 1980s” (scholarship of the Gerda Henkel Stiftung).


NuclearWakeUpCall.Earth is a nonprofit, nonpartisan initiative dedicated to catalyzing efforts in US-Russian relations to reduce the escalating nuclear danger and to working with people in Russia and all countries to move towards a world without nuclear weapons.

Women Transforming our Nuclear Legacy (WTONL) and Bering Strait for Peace are nonprofit, nonpartisan initiatives of NuclearWakeUpCall.Earth.

All contributions are tax-deductible and made directly to our fiscal sponsor, the Inter-Nation Cultural Foundation, a 501 (c) (3) global donor-direct nonprofit established in California in 1998. 

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