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Selina N. Leem

Selina N. Leem

Selina N. Leem is a 23 year old climate warrior from the Marshall Islands. 

In March 2021, she was an Event Organizer for the 2021 Washington-Marshall Islands Nuclear Remembrance Day event.  

Born and raised in the capital atoll of the Marshall Islands, Majuro, Leem, “a small island girl with big dreams” as she often called herself, credits her grandfather for her deep awareness of the increasing fate of her island home through his stories about how the ice in the North Pole and South Pole were melting and would soon flood the Marshall Islands. It was also through school and reading Don't Ever Whisper by Giff Johnson that Leem further learned about an injustice her home was wrecked with and its repercussions that her people now live with. 

At age 16, Leem moved to Germany to finish high school in the UWC (United World College) Robert Bosch College in Freiburg, a prestigious international program that offers the International Baccalaureate Diploma, where she took on the role of a climate change advocate for her country. 

Representing the Marshall Islands, Leem was a keynote speaker at the Geneva Peace Week conference where she spoke of the nuclear and climate crisis her country faces, echoing the loss of her people who were displaced, "Soon for those who left, it did not and never meant forever. It meant they were coming back." 


NuclearWakeUpCall.Earth is a nonprofit, nonpartisan initiative dedicated to catalyzing efforts in US-Russian relations to reduce the escalating nuclear danger and to working with people in Russia and all countries to move towards a world without nuclear weapons.

Women Transforming our Nuclear Legacy (WTONL) and Bering Strait for Peace are nonprofit, nonpartisan initiatives of NuclearWakeUpCall.Earth.

All contributions are tax-deductible and made directly to our fiscal sponsor, the Inter-Nation Cultural Foundation, a 501 (c) (3) global donor-direct nonprofit established in California in 1998. 

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