Sandra Cline is a Trustee Emerita for Biosphere Foundation, the Founder and Editor of Dance of the Spirit and a writer and novelist. Sandra previously worked in radio broadcasting as the producer and host of her own show. Popular with teens, the program brought insight whenever the subject of “Fear of Nuclear War” or a similar topic was featured. During the Cuban Missile Crisis, Sandra was 9 years old and found herself huddled beneath her school desk in Birmingham, Alabama as she practiced missile attack drills. She remembers the sound of her adult-sized, metal dog tag, embossed with her name, religious affiliation and blood type, scraping the tiled floor. The experienced changed her forever. Over the past 3+ decades, Sandy has supported U.S.-Russian exchange and peace initiatives including the US-USSR Exchange Program, a successful project that Cynthia Lazaroff created in the 1980’s. Sandra also traveled with Cynthia to the former Soviet Union as part of a citizen diplomacy outreach trip that was also life-changing for her. Sandra is an avid supporter of pro-literacy organizations, served on the New Mexico literacy board and is an ardent environmentalist. Her novel “Pug Sheridan” is used as a teaching tool in high schools in the United States.